The overall aim of this project is to explore the applicability of elements included in the ESG in the EQAVET (European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET) framework and vice versa. At the moment, there is no systematic exchange between the two systems, despite the fact that there are certain similarities between them.

The overall aim of this project is to explore the applicability of elements included in the ESG in the EQAVET framework and vice versa. At the moment, there is no systematic exchange between the two systems, despite the fact that there are certain similarities between them. It will build upon the transnational approach through predecessor projects in the EQAVET field, such as EQAVET in Practice, QSE-VET, QC-VET implemented by members of the project team, which have been exploring, testing and implemented tools and guidelines in the EQAVET framework for improved VET practice.
During the last decade, the interest in quality assurance in education (in both sectors, VET and Higher) has been at the heart of educational policy. The development of robust quality assurance systems is vital in order to develop high-quality and inclusive education in the European education area. It has also been important to support the promotion of shared values and the European dimension of teaching.

Given the desire of European societies to become increasingly knowledge-based, higher education has a significant role in socio-economic and cultural expansion. A key goal of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) is to contribute to the common understanding of quality assurance for learning and teaching across borders and among all stakeholders. In parallel, high quality and innovative vocational education and training systems provide people with skills for labor, personal development and citizenship, which supports them to adapt to, and deliver on society and today’s labour market’s needs.
From HE perspective:
  • HEIs,
  • national Associations of Institutions in Higher Education,
  • national HEI authorities,
  • agencies for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
From VET perspective:
  • VET providers,
  • national associations of VET providers,
  • national VET authorities,
  • National Quality Assurance Reference Points (NRPs)

Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE). Neither the European Union nor FRSE can be held responsible for them.
Project No: 2021-2-PL01-KA220-VET-000051143