Project Results (PR)

PR1 –Comparative Analysis of HEI and VET quality assurance systems

QA-HEVET project aims to explore the applicability of elements included in the ESG in the EQAVET framework and vice versa. Towards this aim, it is important to firstly define the national HEI and VET quality assurance systems of the partner countries, as well as at the European level, and highlight their similarities and differences. The comparative analysis facilitates the exchange of valuable information among the project partners and enables working on a common ground and design of a common language between the two frameworks of the national systems in order to design the working methodology to align the ESG and EQAVET system.

PR2 -Recommendations for moving to an aligned quality assurance system

In this project result, a self-assessment tool will be developed. More specifically, it will be an online questionnaire in the form of statements, addressing specific attention areas within the educational institute. The self-assessment tool is based on the common attention areas between the two frameworks, but also includes the different attention areas.

Based on the outcomes of PR1 and the results of the visits performed to VET Providers and HEIs, the project team finalizes the methodology for the self- assessment tool and defines the quality attention areas to be included. In parallel, a study including recommendations for aligning ESG and EQAVET is developed. The aim of the study is to review existing and planned practices relating to the quality assurance in HEI and VET with a view to determine whether, to what extent and in what form successful solutions can be integrated in the quality assurance frameworks to improve the QA assessment procedure and the performance of HEIs and VETs.

PR3 -Quick scan tool for VET Providers and HEIs
This “Quick Scan” tool is an integrated tool for self-assessment, quality management and improvement process, developed for VET providers and HEIs based on the updated results of PR2. The functionality of the tool enables VET providers and HEIs to approach quality assurance with consideration to national QA. Quick Scan features an online questionnaire, which helps the providers and HEIs detect their extent of alignment with EQAVET and ESG objectives and immediately provides the relevant guidelines on how to increase such alignment in the chosen attention areas, providing tools from both frameworks as defined in the PR2. The guidelines resulting from Quick Scan give both providers and HEIs a tool for interpretation and adaptation of EQAVET and ESG to their national quality framework and the environment of their institutions.

In addition, an interactive Portal that will be used also as a Mobile App, will support the implementation, management, communication and monitoring of the MENTORme Programme, as well as the creation of a network among the stakeholders involved. It will provide supervisors, mentors and mentees to stay connected.