Welcome to the HEVET tool for improving the quality of education for VET and HE
The purpose of this tool is to support Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers as well as Higher Education Institutions (HEI) who are interested in focusing on the main objective of education: delivering high-quality education that supports the individual student in their development, as well as meet the needs of the labour market.
Apart from supporting an integral approach to achieving these objectives, the tool also incorporates the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQAVET) as well as the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) at the same time, helping VET-institutes as well as HEI to incorporate a uniform set of European standards for good education.
How can the "Quick Scan" be of help?Quick Scan: Instructions
The Quick Scan consists of the following four (4) Themes (thematic groups).
- Vision and Policy
- Organisation
- Learner
- Teaching
Each theme is divided into different attention areas (9 attention areas in total).
How to use the Quick Scan
STEP 1. Select the attention areas (at least 3) you are interested in.
Useful tips: To create a multi-perspective on institute development, we advise the users to make this selection jointly (managers, teaching staff, administrative staff together) or discuss and agree upon selections to be made by different stakeholders.
STEP 2. Decide how to answer the questions. Jointly or as separate stakeholders?
Useful tips: According to the choice made in step 1, either use the joint perspectives of managers, teaching staff, and administrative staff or decide to go ahead by answering from a single perspective.
STEP 3. Get sets of short statements and answer accordingly.
Useful tips: Please indicate for each of the statements presented to what degree you can agree with the statement by simply ticking the appropriate box next to each statement.
STEP 4. Get feedback report
Useful tips: The feedback on good practices based on the quick scan results will be provided to you in the form of a spider graph representing scores on specific attention areas, as well as general advice for further development in these attention areas. Scores are presented in a 4-level scale (1-4) Spider Graph. The nine attention areas are the axes of the web; scores have the same values as stated in the "Quick Scan" questionnaire (4 for Completely, 3 for Largely, 2 for Somewhat, 1 for Not).
Keep in mind! Your answers will not be saved in any traceable way!
Before you continue, please select from the below at least 3 attention areas you are interested in to run the Quick Scan. You can also select the default option (all areas). In that case please click SELECT ALL button and the quick scan will cover ALL attention areas.
Our recommendation is as follows: In that case, please click SELECT ALL button, and the quick scan will cover ALL attention areas. Completing the scan in this last way will take about 20 minutes.
Select the attention areas you want to answer (minimum 3 attention areas)
Vision and policy | |||
The way leadership of the organisation creates the conditions for a culture of quality and continuous improvement | |||
The way arrangements are made to create commitment and involvement for the institute's policy | |||
Organisation | |||
The way the institute is dealing with feedback information to deal with its responsibilities and achieve its mission and objectives | |||
The way the institute deals with talents, skills, and ambitions of teaching staff | |||
The way the institute deals with employer involvement to achieve its mission and objectives and to create attractive and up-to-date education | |||
Teaching | |||
The way the institute arranges for input and feedback from the professional domain | |||
The way the institute arranges for good learning conditions during apprenticeship and/or WBL | |||
Learner | |||
The arrangements an institute makes to help learners develop a career path that matches their talents | |||
The arrangements an institute makes to foster students' motivation and engagement in the learning process |
Quick Scan Questions
Please answer all the questions.
1: Leadership | |
Leadership enables the institution to set the right circumstances to create a culture of quality: a culture in which all staff is actively involved in creating an attractive and challenging learning environment, a learning environment in which students are motivated to develop their talents and in which the labour market is actively involved in the process of education. To achieve this effect there is a clear connection between the general learning objectives, the learning outcomes, the vision of the institution and its policy. To create of a culture of quality within our school leadership is: | |
Engaging teachers/professors in quality assurance procedures. | |
Choosing clear and measurable indicators to indicate whether the learning outcomes are met. | |
Fostering leadership development to prepare future leaders with a culture of quality. |
2: Support | |
To foster staff commitment and engagement within an educational institution, it is essential for the board and managers to proactively support and endorse a vision and policy that emphasizes the importance of quality education, labor market involvement, and the provision of an environment conducive to learning. This policy is set out in a long-term plan which is being evaluated. | |
Develop a strategy through which all staff of the institution are actively involved in discussing vision and policy. | |
Have a strategy to describe the relationship among research, learning and teaching. | |
Have policy and support structure that is regularly updated based on the evaluation outcomes. | |
Have in place and maintain clear communication channels so that all staff are aware of the institution’s goals, their role in achieving them, and the progress being made. |
3: Outcome and accountability | |
The institution collects results of the achieved learning outcomes consisting of information which is also of relevance for employers, students and further education. The institution shows good governance by making these results public to their different stakeholders. As part of its culture of quality the qualitative and quantitative information is used for the improvement of the education and the services of the institution. The institution should also close this feedback loop by informing stakeholders how their feedback has led to specific improvements. | |
We periodically collect quantitative and qualitative information retrieved from the different feedback sources: students, teaching staff, managers and employers. | |
We put in place measures that encourage students to provide feedback. | |
A Responsive Feedback System is in place to establish a system where feedback leads to actionable plans, ensuring that feedback is not just collected but acted upon. | |
External quality assurance processes are transparent. | |
We regularly publish outcomes and developments, so that stakeholders can see the improvement of institutional quality over time. |
4: Staff development and staff allocation | |
The main contributors for achieving good learning outcomes are teachers. To ensure high educational quality, the institution should be able to recruit the right teachers and keep teachers motivated. The institution knows how individual teachers contribute to its objectives. It has a development policy which supports the life-long learning of teachers and their career path and career wishes. It also develops and implements recruitment strategies that enable the recruitment of qualified teachers. | |
We arrange periodic and systematic evaluation for all staff. | |
Opportunities for teachers to upskill and reskill through workshops, courses and conferences are offered. | |
We establish mentorship programs to support less experienced staff and to foster knowledge sharing. | |
We create policies that support a healthy work-life balance. | |
We ensure that teachers are aware of the institution’s quality policy. | |
Teachers are encouraged to contribute to the institution’s quality assurance. | |
We give teachers enough time and capability for appropriate research so that they can increase their number of publications in highly ranked research journals. |
5: Employer and stakeholders’ involvement | |
To ensure good learning outcomes the institution seeks a maximum level of employer and stakeholder’s involvement in the different stages of education. Within the boundaries of rules and regulations, measures are taken to involve employers in defining learning outcomes, learning content, delivery of education, examination and quality evaluation. Continuous engagement of employers contributes to up-to-date and attractive education and to an increased students’ motivation. | |
Guidance services for students are permanently provided. | |
Heterogeneous extracurricular experiences are provided that can tune into the interests of most students. | |
Targeted actions are implemented, in addition to those required by law, aimed at students with disabilities or students with special educational needs (learning disabilities, migrants and minorities); and/or for students; belonging to specific groups (e.g. students with a history of substance abuse; LGBTQIA+ students, etc.) | |
Learning support activities are provided for students who are temporarily fell behind in their studies and need short-term learning support (this does not refer to those required by law for students with disabilities/SEN) | |
Data are constantly collected to monitor the activities that are carried out in the fight against school dropout |
6: Curricula | |
The institution’s policy regarding labour market involvement is visible in the way employers or employer organisation are involved in the definition of the content of the education. Involvement can be limited due to laws and legislations, but even though the institution arranges for input and feedback from the professional domain, taking into account the future demands from that same domain. The institution offers up-to date education which is valued by the professional domain. The institution accounts for the following factors in its curricula development and revision process: the curricula development process, mechanisms for feedback integration, continuous review and adaptation. | |
Clear and reliable indicators have been set to assess the effectiveness, impacts, quality of actions to tackle school dropout. | |
Tasks and responsibilities for data collection and analysis are clearly defined. | |
Adequate and effective mechanisms have been defined to establish together with families what and how to evaluate the school-implemented actions against school dropout. | |
There are adequate and effective mechanisms to establish together with the main external stakeholders what and how to evaluate the school-implemented actions against school dropout. | |
Data for evaluation are systematically collected and analysed. | |
The self-assessment of the actions that the school has implemented against school dropout is carried out periodically. | |
Students satisfaction with the actions that the school has implemented against school dropout is regularly assessed |
7: Internship, Apprenticeship and WBL | |
In its vision on education the institution describes how work-based learning (WBL) and/ or apprenticeship contribute to the intended learning outcomes. To make apprenticeship and WBL effective, the institution sets standards and arranges for a network of employers which are able to meet these standards. Also, the institution prepares the students prior to a WBL placement or apprenticeship and evaluates the learning outcome with students as well as employers. To insure a WBL that contributes to the quality of education, the institution accounts for: Quality Monitoring of WBL Sites, Partnership Agreements with relevant employers and WBL mentorship programs by employers in the workplace. | |
Improvements in students` academic achievements, social-emotional well-being, motivation, etc. are regularly evaluated as a result of the actions that the school has implemented against school dropout. | |
Procedures have been defined for reporting the results of the evaluation process. | |
The results of the evaluation are used by the school to design improvement plans and recommendations for improvement. | |
The results of the evaluation are used to establish support measures for teachers, students, families. |
8: Guidance | |
Providing career advice and support during all stages of education is part of the institutions’ vision on educational objectives and quality. The services and support offered help improve students’ professional awareness and career management competences for life-long learning as well as to move on to the next level of education. It thus helps to achieve main learning outcomes. The institution accounts for the different types of career guidance such as one-on-one counseling, workshops, job fairs, and mentoring programs. | |
The results of the evaluation are accessible and available. | |
We appoint a guidance staff who has up-to-date knowledge regarding the world of professional education and labor market. | |
We engage experts from specific fields to guarantee more tailored guidance. | |
Students are familiarized with possible career paths that they can pursue after completing education. | |
We engage/hire counsellors and/or researchers with expertise in specific fields. | |
We use personalized guidance services to match the talents and interests of individual learners. | |
Career guidance is well-integrated with academic advising in a way that enables educational choices to support students’ career goals. |
9: Learning process | |
Providing students with an up-to-date knowledge that enables them to pursue the career they choose whether it is an academic or non-academic career. Providing students with the relevant knowledge that they really need for the career they chose, will increase their motivation to learn. The institution guarantees a learning process with high quality by putting in place relevant assessment strategies as well as learning resources and outcomes. | |
We use different assessment strategies that promote continuous learning and motivation. | |
We support joint scientific publications of students and lecturers | |
We stimulate students’ motivation, self-reflection, and engagement in the learning process. | |
Research skills acquired by students are matched with the requirements of the highly ranked research journals | |
We account for students who would like to pursue a non-academic career | |
We develop life-long learning strategies for students. | |
We account for students who would like to pursue an academic career in higher VET. | |
We systematically track our graduates’ career path whether it is academic or non-academic. | |
We systematically track our graduates’ career path. |
Quick Scan Results
Summary Report
"Graphic representation of the score of the institution on the selected Attention Areas (AAs)."
The presented scores reflect the answer of the respondent(s) on the different statements per attention area given in the Quick Scan.
Each statement is scored on a scale of 1 to 4, 1 meaning "no, or not at all," and 4 meaning "completely (agree).
"Please see below your results per Attention Area (AA).
You may may print or save your results, via the print pdf choice. We recommend saving your results to compare them after improvements and retaking the quick scan"
1: Leadership | |
The way the leadership of the organization creates the conditions for a culture of quality and continuous improvement. | |
Leadership enables the institution to set the right circumstances to create a culture of quality: a culture in which all staff is actively involved in creating an attractive and challenging learning environment, a learning environment in which students are motivated to develop their talents and in which the labour market is actively involved in the process of education. To achieve this effect there is a clear connection between the general learning objectives, the learning outcomes, the vision of the institution and its policy. | |
Recommendations | |
Engage teachers/professors in the quality assurance procedure.
| |
Choose a limited set of clear and measurable indicators which indicate whether the learning outcomes are met.
| |
Involve more external experts in the assessment of your quality assurance procedure.
| |
Foster leadership development in order to prepare future leaders with a culture of quality.
| Tools |
Engage teachers/professors in the quality assurance procedure:
| |
Choose a limited set of clear and measurable indicators which indicate whether the learning outcomes are met:
| |
Involve more external experts in the assessment of your quality assurance procedure:
| |
Foster leadership development in order to prepare future leaders with a culture of quality:
2: Support | |
The way arrangements are made to create commitment and involvement for the institution`s policy. | |
To foster staff commitment and engagement within an educational institution, it is essential for the board and managers to proactively support and endorse a vision and policy that emphasizes the importance of quality education, labor market involvement, and the provision of an environment conducive to learning. This policy is set out in a long-term plan which is being evaluated. | |
Recommendations | |
Develop a strategy through which all staff of the institution are actively involved in discussing vision and policy.
| |
For HEIs: Develop a strategy that better reflects the relationship between research, learning, and teaching.
| |
Adapt the policy and support structure based on the evaluation outcomes to ensure continuous improvement.
| |
Develop clear communication channels so that all staff are aware of the institution’s goals, their role in achieving them, and the progress being made.
| Tools |
Develop a strategy through which all staff of the institution are actively involved in discussing vision and policy:
| |
For HEIs: Develop a strategy that better reflects the relationship between research, learning, and teaching:
| |
Adapt the policy and support structure based on the evaluation outcomes to ensure continuous improvement:
| |
Develop clear communication channels so that all staff are aware of the institution`s goals, their role in achieving them, and the progress being made:
3: Outcome and accountability | |
The way the institution deals with feedback information to deal with its responsibilities and achieve its mission and objectives. | |
The institution collects results of the achieved learning outcomes consisting of information which is also of relevance for employers, students and further education. The institution shows good governance by making these results public to their different stakeholders. As part of its culture of quality the qualitative and quantitative information is used for the improvement of the education and the services of the institution. The institution should also close this feedback loop by informing stakeholders how their feedback has led to specific improvements. | |
Recommendations | |
Collect periodically quantitative as well as qualitative information retrieved from the different feedback sources: students, teaching staff, managers and employers.
| |
Account for students’ feedback in your internal quality assurance indicators.
| |
Put in place more measures that motivate students to provide their feedback.
| |
Develop a Responsive Feedback System: Establish a system where feedback leads to actionable plans, ensuring that feedback is not just collected but acted upon.
| |
Engage Alumni: Include alumni feedback to assess the long-term impact of educational quality on career success and relevance.
| |
Ensure the transparency of external quality assurance processes.
| |
Regularly publish outcomes and developments, so that stakeholders can see the improvement of institutional quality over time.
| Tools |
Collect periodically quantitative as well as qualitative information:
| |
Account for students’ feedback in your internal quality assurance indicators:
| |
Put in place more measures that motivate students to provide their feedback:
| |
Develop a Responsive Feedback System:
| |
Engage Alumni:
| |
Ensure the transparency of external quality assurance processes:
| |
Regularly publish outcomes and developments:
4: Staff development and staff allocation | |
The way the institution deals with talents, skills and ambitions of teaching staff. | |
The main contributors for achieving good learning outcomes are teachers. To ensure high educational quality, the institution should be able to recruit the right teachers and keep teachers motivated. The institution knows how individual teachers contribute to its objectives. It has a development policy which supports the life-long learning of teachers and their career path and career wishes. It also develops and implements recruitment strategies that enable the recruitment of qualified teachers. | |
Recommendations | |
Arrange periodic and systematic evaluation for all staff.
| |
Offer opportunities for teachers to upskill and reskill through workshops, courses, and conferences.
| |
Establish mentorship programs to support less experienced staff and to foster knowledge sharing.
| |
Create policies that support a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout and maintain teachers’ motivation.
| |
Ensure that teachers are aware of the institution’s quality policy.
| |
Motivate teachers to contribute to the institution’s quality assurance.
| |
For HEI: Give teachers enough time and capability for appropriate research that enables them to publish in highly ranked journals.
| Tools |
Arrange periodic and systematic evaluation for all staff.
| |
Offer opportunities for teachers to upskill and reskill through workshops, courses, and conferences.
| |
Establish mentorship programs to support less experienced staff and to foster knowledge sharing.
| |
Create policies that support a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout and maintain teachers’ motivation.
| |
Ensure that teachers are aware of the institution’s quality policy.
| |
Motivate teachers to contribute to the institution’s quality assurance.
| |
For HEI: Give teachers enough time and capability for appropriate research that enables them to publish in highly ranked journals.
5: Employer and stakeholders’ involvement | |
The way the institution deals with employer and stakeholder’s involvement to achieve its mission and objectives, and to create attractive and up-to-date education. | |
To ensure good learning outcomes the institution seeks a maximum level of employer and stakeholder’s involvement in the different stages of education. Within the boundaries of rules and regulations, measures are taken to involve employers in defining learning outcomes, learning content, delivery of education, examination and quality evaluation. Continuous engagement of employers contributes to up-to-date and attractive education and to an increased students’ motivation. | |
Recommendations | |
Evaluate systematically the extent to which your learning objectives match the labor market requirements.
| |
Develop a strategy to actively involve the labor market stakeholders in the different aspects of education.
| |
Employers are highly involved in estimating future labor needs and therefore in the supply of new programmes and students.
| |
Create a network of the different relevant stakeholders and engage them in having periodic discussions on key issues related to quality assurance.
| |
Follow-up on the Work-Based Learning (WBL) to ensure that the tasks assigned to students are in line with their educational programme and learning objectives.
| Tools |
Evaluate systematically the extent to which your learning objectives match the labor market requirements:
| |
Develop a strategy to actively involve the labor market stakeholders in different aspects of education:
| |
Employers are highly involved in estimating future labor needs and therefore in the supply of new programs and students:
| |
Create a network of the different relevant stakeholders and engage them in having periodic discussions on key issues related to quality assurance:
| |
Follow-up on the Work-Based Learning (WBL) to ensure that the tasks assigned to students are in line with their educational programme and learning objectives:
6: Curricula | |
The way the institution arranges for input and feedback from the professional domain. | |
The institution’s policy regarding labour market involvement is visible in the way employers or employer organisation are involved in the definition of the content of the education. Involvement can be limited due to laws and legislations, but even though the institution arranges for input and feedback from the professional domain, taking into account the future demands from that same domain. The institution offers up-to date education which is valued by the professional domain. The institution accounts for the following factors in its curricula development and revision process: the curricula development process, mechanisms for feedback integration, continuous review and adaptation. | |
Recommendations | |
Take measures to engage staff and students in the continuous improvement of the curriculum.
| |
Create feedback loops where student input is actively sought and used to inform curriculum development.
| |
For VET: Make continuous improvements to your programmes to ensure their relevance to the national as well as the regional labor market needs.
| |
Implement a systematic approach to collect feedback from all stakeholders, including employers, alumni, and industry experts.
| |
Design curriculum structures that allow for timely updates without overhauling entire programmes, to integrate new skills and knowledge areas as they become relevant.
| |
Regularly conduct labor market analysis to predict future skills needs and to adapt the curriculum proactively.
| |
For HEI: Include a description of the potential professions and career paths that students can pursue after the end of their programmes.
| Tools |
Engage staff and students in the continuous improvement of the curriculum:
| |
Create feedback loops where student input is actively sought and used:
| |
For VET: Make continuous improvements to your programs:
| |
Collect feedback from all stakeholders:
| |
Design curriculum structures for timely updates:
| |
Regularly conduct labor market analysis:
| |
For HEI: Include career paths in program descriptions:
7: Internship, Apprenticeship and WBL | |
The way the institution arranges for good learning conditions during apprenticeship and/or WBL. | |
In its vision on education the institution describes how work-based learning (WBL) and/ or apprenticeship contribute to the intended learning outcomes. To make apprenticeship and WBL effective, the institution sets standards and arranges for a network of employers which are able to meet these standards. Also, the institution prepares the students prior to a WBL placement or apprenticeship and evaluates the learning outcome with students as well as employers. To insure a WBL that contributes to the quality of education, the institution accounts for: Quality Monitoring of WBL Sites, Partnership Agreements with relevant employers and WBL mentorship programs by employers in the workplace. | |
Recommendations | |
For VET: Incorporate regular updates to the curriculum and Work-Based Learning (WBL) programmes based on emerging industry trends and technologies.
| |
Ensure that there are robust feedback mechanisms for students to share their WBL experiences with the institution.
| |
Measure employers’ satisfaction with graduates’ technical skills and performance in the workplace.Measure employers’ satisfaction with graduates’ technical skills and performance in the workplace.
| |
Measuring employers’ satisfaction with graduates’ soft skills.
| |
Evaluate skills and competences taught during WBL through a close dialogue with the supervisor at the workplace.
| Tools |
Incorporate regular updates to the curriculum and WBL programmes based on emerging industry trends and technologies:
| |
Ensure that there are robust feedback mechanisms for students to share their WBL experiences with the institution:
| |
Measure employers’ satisfaction with graduates’ technical skills and performance in the workplace:
| |
Measuring employers’ satisfaction with graduates’ soft skills:
| |
Evaluate skills and competences taught during WBL through a close dialogue with the supervisor at the workplace:
8: Guidance | |
The arrangements an institution makes to help learners to develop a career path which matches their talents. | |
Providing career advice and support during all stages of education is part of the institutions’ vision on educational objectives and quality. The services and support offered !!!prevent drop-out (to be added only for VET)!!! and help improve students’ professional awareness and career management competences for life-long learning as well as to move on to the next level of education. It thus helps to achieve main learning outcomes. The institution accounts for the different types of career guidance such as one-on-one counseling, workshops, job fairs, and mentoring programs. | |
Recommendations | |
Arrange for career guidance programmes for students in different stages of their study path.
| |
Assure that you appoint guidance staff who has up-to-date knowledge regarding the world of professional education and labor market.
| |
For VET: Engage experts from specific fields to guarantee more tailored guidance based on students’ specialization and interest.
| |
For HEI: As part of the general course, familiarize students with possible career paths that they can pursue after completing education.
| |
For HEI: Engage/hire counsellors and/or researchers with expertise in specific fields.
| |
Use personalized guidance services to match the talents and interests of individual learners, accommodating different career aspirations and learning styles.
| |
For HEI: Ensure that career guidance is well-integrated with academic advising so that educational choices support students` career goals.
| Tools |
Arrange for career guidance programmes for students in different stages of their study path:
| |
Assure that you appoint guidance staff who has up-to-date knowledge regarding the world of professional education and labor market:
| |
For VET: Engage experts from specific fields to guarantee more tailored guidance based on students’ specialization and interest:
| |
For HEI: Familiarize students with possible career paths as part of the general course:
| |
For HEI: Engage/hire counsellors and/or researchers with expertise in specific fields:
| |
Use personalized guidance services to match the talents and interests of individual learners:
| |
For HEI: Ensure that career guidance is well-integrated with academic advising so that educational choices support students` career goals:
9: Learning process | |
The arrangements an institution makes to foster students’ motivation and engagement in the learning process. | |
Providing students with an up-to-date knowledge that enables them to pursue the career they choose whether it is an academic or non-academic career. Providing students with the relevant knowledge that they really need for the career they chose, will increase their motivation to learn. The institution guarantees a learning process with high quality by putting in place relevant assessment strategies as well as learning resources and outcomes. | |
Recommendations | |
Use different assessment strategies that promote continuous learning and motivation, including formative assessments, peer assessments, and self-assessment opportunities.
| |
For HEI: Support joint scientific publications of students and lecturers for students who want to pursue an academic career.
| |
Stimulate students` motivation, self-reflection, and engagement in the learning process.
| |
For HEI: Match the research skills that the student acquires with the requirements of the highly ranked research journals.
| |
For HEI: Account for students who would like to pursue a non-academic career.
| |
Develop a strategy for life-long learning for students.
| |
For HEI: Account for students who would like to pursue an academic career in higher VET.
| |
Track your graduates’ career paths in a systematic way. This should include both; those who pursue an academic career and the others who choose a non-academic one.
| Tools |
Use different assessment strategies that promote continuous learning and motivation:
| |
For HEI: Support joint scientific publications of students and lecturers
| |
Stimulate students motivation, self-reflection, and engagement in the learning process:
| |
For HEI: Match the research skills that the student acquires with the requirements of the highly ranked research journals:
| |
For HEI: Account for students who would like to pursue a non-academic career:
| |
Develop a strategy for life-long learning for students:
| |
For HEI: Account for students who would like to pursue an academic career in higher VET:
| |
Track your graduates’ career paths in a systematic way: